
Use to retrieve Employee records live from the Micropay payroll database. You can use the variations to request a single employee by their Employee Code, a list of employees that have changed since a date, and a full list of all employees in order to synchronise with your system.

GET api/EmployeeDetails?includeTerminated={includeTerminated}&terminatedSince={terminatedSince}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}&onlyAnnualisedSalary={onlyAnnualisedSalary}

Gets a list of Employees live from a payroll database. This call can be used to synchronise your system.

GET api/EmployeeDetails/{id}

Gets a single Employee live from a payroll database

GET api/EmployeeDetails?changedSince={changedSince}&includeTerminated={includeTerminated}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}&onlyAnnualisedSalary={onlyAnnualisedSalary}

Gets a list of Employees live from a payroll database where the employee's details have changed since the nominated "changed since" date.

GET api/EmployeeDetails?changedSince={changedSince}&includeTerminated={includeTerminated}&terminatedSince={terminatedSince}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}&onlyAnnualisedSalary={onlyAnnualisedSalary}&isEss={isEss}

Gets a list of Employees live from a payroll database where the employee's details have changed since the nominated "changed since" date and "terminated since" date if the employee is terminated.


Use to Post a MifData request for import a MIF data into Meridian or WageEasy payroll databas.

GET api/MifData/{id}

Gets a MifData requests identified by the unique id returned when the request was originally successfully Posted

POST api/MifData

POST a new MifData into payroll database.


Use to retrieve all currently available lookup types.

Several API calls, including ChangeEmployee and ChangeEmployeeImmediate, have members who's values are limited to one of a list of valid codes. Where this is the case the list of codes (and their description) can be found by retrieving all of the codes for the lookups with a type being the name of the member.

The current list of Lookups includes:

  • Aboriginal
  • AddsDeds
  • Awards
  • AwardCategory
  • AwardConditionGroup
  • ContractHours
  • CostAccount
  • Country
  • EFTCode
  • EmployeeContribution
  • EmployerContribution
  • EmploymentType
  • Gender
  • JobClassification
  • LeaveReason
  • Location
  • MaritalStatus
  • PayClass
  • PayFrequency
  • PayPoint
  • PayrollCompany
  • Rate
  • RateIncrease
  • State
  • SuperCategory
  • SuperFund
  • Title
  • UserDefinedLeave
  • WorkersComp
  • WorkPattern

To get the latest list of available lookup types use: GET api/LookupTypes
To get the latest list of codes for a known lookup type use: GET api/LookupType?type={type}
To get the latest list of codes for a known lookup type use: GET api/LookupType?type={type}&code={code}
To get all lookups regardless of type use: GET .../api/LookupList/

GET api/LookupTypes?page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets a list of unique lookup types.
Once the list of types has been retrieved use ...api/lookup?type={type} to retrieve all of the available codes for the type = {type}


Retrieve Employee records live from the WageEasy company database file.

GET api/WeEmployeeBasic/{id}

Gets a single Employee live from a WageEasy company database file.

GET api/WeEmployeeBasic?includeTerminated={includeTerminated}&terminatedSince={terminatedSince}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets a list of Employees live from a WageEasy company database file.

GET api/WeEmployeeBasic?changedSince={changedSince}&includeTerminated={includeTerminated}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets a list of Employees live from a WageEasy company database file where the employee's details have changed since the nominated "changed since" date.


Use to retrieve pay advice summary.

GET api/PayAdviceSummary?periodEndFromDate={periodEndFromDate}&periodEndToDate={periodEndToDate}&empCode={empCode}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}

Get pay advice summary for a period.


GET api/EmployeeCodeChanges?changedSince={changedSince}

Gets list of employees whos employee code have been changed from a given date


Use to retrieve the payroll company default super fund details

GET api/CompanyDefaultSuper


Get payment summaries pdf

GET api/PaymentSummaryPDF?empCode={empCode}&financialYear={financialYear}&type={type}

Get single payment summaries pdf

GET api/PaymentSummaryPDF?financialYear={financialYear}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}

Get list payment summaries pdf


Use to Post a new Leave Planning request. Leave Planning requests are a request to Payroll to include leave in one or more pay runs covered by the period of the leave planning request. There is no approval process, no workflow and no feedback on the leave planning request apart from the pay advice. The inclusion of the leave in any pay is at the discretion of payroll and the company's standard operating processes. All leave planning requests are considered new requests, it is not currently possible to update an existing request. It is possible to submit multiple requests for the same period with each considered a new and valid leave request.

POST api/LeavePlanning

All leave planning requests are considered to be new requests and must be a POST. Do not use PUT or DELETE, rather set the ChangeType to one of Add, Change, Edit (i.e. Add if new or Change if existing) or Delete then POST the request.

GET api/LeavePlanning/{id}

Gets LeavePlanning requests identified by the unique id returned when the request was originally successfully Posted

GET api/LeavePlanning?fromId={fromId}&toId={toId}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets LeavePlanning requests identified by the unique id returned when the request was originally successfully Posted


Get payment summaries data

GET api/PaymentSummaryData?financialYearFrom={financialYearFrom}&financialYearTo={financialYearTo}&empCode={empCode}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}

Get payment summaries data


Use to retrieve lookup codes and descriptions and when you know the lookup type.
To get a unique list of all available lookup types use: GET api/LookupTypes

Options include getting:

  • All lookups for a single lookup type,
  • A single lookup based on its type and code.

To get all lookups regardless of type use: GET .../api/LookupList/.

GET api/ConfigOptions

Get Configuration options based on payroll database type e.g. Micropay, WageEasy and EasyPay


GET api/UserDefinedField

Gets a list of user defined fields.


Use to retrieve Employee records live from the Micropay payroll database. You can use the variations to request a single employee by their Employee Code, a list of employees that have changed since a date, and a full list of all employees in order to synchronise with your system.

GET api/EmployeeBasic?includeTerminated={includeTerminated}&terminatedSince={terminatedSince}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets a list of Employees live from a payroll database. This call can be used to synchronise your system.

GET api/EmployeeBasic/{id}

Gets a single Employee live from a payroll database

GET api/EmployeeBasic?changedSince={changedSince}&includeTerminated={includeTerminated}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets a list of Employees live from a payroll database where the employee's details have changed since the nominated "changed since" date.


POST api/WeChangeEmployee

All requests to change an WageEasy Employee are considered to be new requests and must be a POST. Do not use PUT or DELETE, rather set the ChangeType to one of Add, Change, or Delete and POST the request.

GET api/WeChangeEmployee/{id}

Gets WeChangeEmployee requests identified by the unique id returned when the request was originally successfully Posted


Use to Post a new Leave Application request. Leave Application requests are a request to Payroll to include leave in one or more pay runs covered by the period of the leave application request. All leave application requests are considered new requests, it is not currently possible to update an existing request. It is possible to submit multiple requests for the same period with each considered a new and valid leave request.

POST api/LeaveApplication

All leave application requests are considered to be new requests and must be a POST. Do not use PUT or DELETE, rather set the ChangeType to one of Add, Change, Edit (i.e. Add if new or Change if existing) or Delete then POST the request.

GET api/LeaveApplication/{id}

Gets LeaveApplication requests identified by the unique id returned when the request was originally successfully Posted

GET api/LeaveApplication?fromId={fromId}&toId={toId}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets LeaveApplication requests identified by the unique id returned when the request was originally successfully Posted


Use to Post a AnnualisedSalImportHeader request for import a AnnualisedSalImportHeader data into payroll databas.

GET api/AnnualisedSalImportHeader/{id}

No documentation available.

POST api/AnnualisedSalImportHeader

POST a new AnnualisedSalImportHeader into payroll database.


Get pay advice pdf

GET api/PayAdvicePDF?empCode={empCode}&periodEndDate={periodEndDate}&payAdvicePDFId={payAdvicePDFId}

No documentation available.


Use to submit a request to add, change, edit or delete an employee record. Each valid request is saved for subsequent retrieval by the underlying payroll system, and given a unique ChangeEmployeeId that is returned to the caller.

It is the target database's payroll system's responsibility to periodically retrieve all new requests
and post them to the actual payroll database for subsequent implementation by payroll.

There is no guarantee that a request accepted by the Access MicrOpay Web API is actually processed by the payroll system, nor that if it is processed it will result in the payroll database being updated as requested. All updates to the payroll database for an employee are at the discretion of the payroll officer.

When POSTing data ensure it is formatted as either JSON or XML using a contentType of either "application/json" or "text/xml".

If a data member is not supplied in a changeEmployee request that member of the employee record is not changed. If you want to clear the value of a field then supply the default or empty value for that field type.

For instance if you want to remove an employee's postal address leaving just their phyisical address then you must supply empty strings for:

  • PostalStreet
  • PostalSuburbCity
  • PostalState
  • PostalCountry
  • PostalPostCode
so that these members are included in the Json/XML object

The Access MicrOpay Web API ignores any object member that is null!

POST api/ChangeEmployee

All requests to change an Employee are considered to be new requests and must be a POST. Do not use PUT or DELETE, rather set the ChangeType to one of Add, Change, or Delete and POST the request.

GET api/ChangeEmployee/{id}

Gets ChangeEmployee requests identified by the unique id returned when the request was originally successfully Posted

GET api/ChangeEmployee?fromId={fromId}&toId={toId}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets ChangeEmployee requests identified by a range of unique ids returned when the request was originally successfully Posted


Retrieve employe work days from Meridian database.

GET api/EmployeeWorkDays/{id}?startDate={startDate}&endDate={endDate}

Gets the work days for an employee (employeeCode)


GET api/EmployeeLeaveForecasts/{id}?byDate={byDate}

Gets the leave forecasts for an employee (employeeCode)


Use to retrieve the complete list of all available leave reasons

GET api/LeaveReasons?page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}

Use to get all the leave reasons and linked leave types


GET api/DeletedEmployees?deletedSince={deletedSince}

The call gets a list of payroll employees who are no longer available because they were deleted from payroll on or after the specified date.This enables you to action the corresponding records in your system.

This endpoint is for MicrOpay only.


Retrieve Employee records live from the WageEasy company database file.

GET api/WeEmployeeDetails/{id}

Gets a single Employee live from a payroll database

GET api/WeEmployeeDetails?includeTerminated={includeTerminated}&terminatedSince={terminatedSince}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets a list of Employees live from a WageEasy company database file.

GET api/WeEmployeeDetails?changedSince={changedSince}&includeTerminated={includeTerminated}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets a list of Employees live from a WageEasy company database file where the employee's details have changed since the nominated "changed since" date.


Use to retrieve the complete list of all lookup codes and descriptions for all lookup types.
To get the lookup for a type and code use: GET .../api/Lookup?type={type}&code={code}
To get all lookups for a given type use: GET .../api/Lookup?type={type}

GET api/LookupList?page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}

Use to get all the lookups regardless of type or code.This could be a large list!
To get all lookups for a given type and code use: GET .../api/Lookups?type={type}&code={code}
To get all lookups for a given type regardless of code: GET .../api/Lookups?type={type}


Use to retrieve lookup codes and descriptions and when you know the lookup type.
To get a unique list of all available lookup types use: GET api/LookupTypes

Options include getting:

  • All lookups for a single lookup type,
  • A single lookup based on its type and code.

To get all lookups regardless of type use: GET .../api/LookupList/.

GET api/Lookups?type={type}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}

Gets the current lookup for a given type.
To get the lookup for a type and code use: GET .../api/Lookups?type={type}&code={code}
To get all lookups for a given type use: GET .../api/Lookups?type={type}
To get all lookups use: GET .../api/Lookup/ or: GET .../api/LookupList/

GET api/Lookups?type={type}&code={code}

Gets the current lookup for a given type and optionally code.
To get the lookup for a type and code use: GET .../api/Lookups?type={type}&code={code}
To get all lookups for a given type use: GET .../api/Lookups?type={type}
To get all lookups use: GET .../api/Lookup/ or: GET .../api/LookupList/


Use to retrieve the complete list of all available leave reasons

GET api/LeaveReasonsLive?page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}

Use to get all the leave reasons and linked leave types


Get employees' transaction summaries

GET api/EmployeeTransactionSummary?periodEndFromDate={periodEndFromDate}&periodEndToDate={periodEndToDate}&includeTerminated={includeTerminated}&empCode={empCode}&page={page}&pageSize={pageSize}

Get employees' transaction summaries with selected two period end dates


GET api/EmployeeLeaveBalances/{id}

Gets the leave balances for an employee (employeeCode)


Retrieve employe work days from Meridian database.

GET api/PublicHolidays

Gets all the public holidays


GET api/PayFrequency

Gets a list of pay frequencies.


Use to submit a request to change an employee record immediately.
Each valid request is saved for subsequent retrieval by the underlying payroll system, and given a unqiue ChangeEmployeeId that is returned to the caller.

It is the target database's payroll system's responsibility to periodically retrieve all new requests and post them to the actual payroll database provided they pass any validation required.

All immediate updates to the payroll database for an employee happen without the payroll officer begin involved.

POST api/ChangeEmployeeImmediate

All requests to change an Employee are considered to be new requests and must be a POST. Do not use PUT or DELETE, ImmediateUpdate/ImmplementImmediately only accepts Changes - the employee must already exist.