GET api/WeChangeEmployee/{id}
Gets WeChangeEmployee requests identified by the unique id returned when the request was originally successfully Posted
Request Information
URI Parameters
(i.e.queryString parameters in the form ?param1={param1}¶m2={param2})
Name | Description | Type | Additional information |
id |
Returns the one WeChangeEmployee request with a ChangeEmployeeId of Id. Do not use /id={id} but rather just /{id}, as in api/WeChangeEmployee/5 to get request 5. |
integer |
Required |
Body Parameters
Response Information
Resource Description
The requested ChangeEmployee request as a WeChangeEmployeeView
WeChangeEmployeeViewName | Description | Type | Additional information |
Change  EmployeeId |
integer |
None. |
ChangeType | string |
Required Matching: ([^'"])* Max length: 20 |
ChangeStatus | string |
Matching: ([^'"])* Max length: 20 |
ReceivedDate | date |
None. |
ReceivedDate  Time |
date |
None. |
PickedUpDate  Time |
date |
None. |
PickedUpDate | date |
None. |
RejectedDate  Time |
date |
None. |
RejectedDate | date |
None. |
ImplementedDate  Time |
date |
None. |
ImplementedDate | date |
None. |
EffectiveDate | date |
None. |
Validation  Result |
integer |
None. |
ErrorMessage | string |
Matching: ([^'"])* Max length: 500 |
Gender |
The Gender of the employee Allowed values:Male, Female, Intersex, Other |
string |
None. |
MaritalStatus |
The Marital Status of the employee Allowed values:Defacto, Divorced, Married, Single, Widowed |
string |
None. |
Employment  Category |
The Employment Category of the employee Allowed values: FullTime, PartTime, Casual |
string |
None. |
EmployeeNo |
The unique code identifing the actual employee in question. This code is required input on ALL requests. Maximim length allowed is 20 characters. |
string |
Required Matching: ([^'"])* Max length: 20 |
LastName |
The employee's surname (last name/family name). Required when the ChangeType is Add, optional for all other ChangeTypes. Maximum length allowed is 50 characters. |
string |
Max length: 50 |
FirstName |
The employee's first name (given name/Christian name). Maximum length allowed is 30 characters. |
string |
Max length: 30 |
SecondName |
The employee's middle name Maximum length allowed is 30 characters. |
string |
Max length: 30 |
Title |
The employee's salutation or title (e.g. Mr, Mrs, Sir, Doctor or Air Vice Marshall, etc). Maximum length allowed is 15 characters. |
string |
Max length: 15 |
JobTitle |
The employee's Job Title Maximum length allowed is 50 characters. |
string |
Max length: 50 |
HomeAddress |
The employee's Home Address Maximum length allowed is 255 characters. |
string |
Max length: 255 |
HomeCity |
The employee's Home City or Suburb Maximum length allowed is 40 characters. |
string |
Max length: 40 |
HomeState |
The employee's Home State Maximum length allowed is 10 characters. |
string |
Max length: 10 |
HomePostcode |
The employee's Home Postcode Maximum length allowed is 10 characters. |
string |
Max length: 10 |
HomeCountry |
The employee's Home Country Maximum length allowed is 50 characters. |
string |
Max length: 50 |
PostalAddress |
The employee's Postal Address Maximum length allowed is 255 characters. |
string |
Max length: 255 |
PostalCity |
The employee's Postal City or Suburb Maximum length allowed is 40 characters. |
string |
Max length: 40 |
PostalState |
The employee's Postal State Maximum length allowed is 10 characters. |
string |
Max length: 10 |
PostalPostcode |
The employee's Postal Postcode Maximum length allowed is 10 characters. |
string |
Max length: 10 |
PostalCountry |
The employee's Postal Country Maximum length allowed is 50 characters. |
string |
Max length: 50 |
Birthday |
The employee's Birth date |
date |
None. |
Location |
The employee's location for payroll purposes. Allowed values: Must be one of the valid Location in the target payroll database. Location may be found using api/Lookups?type=Location |
string |
None. |
PayPeriod |
The employee's PayPeriod for payroll purposes.
Allowed values: Must be one of the valid PayPeriod in the target payroll database. PayPeriod may be found using api/Lookups?type=PayPeriod |
string |
None. |
EmploymentDate | date |
None. |
AwardDate | date |
None. |
TerminateDate | date |
None. |
TerminateReason | string |
None. |
AwardKey |
The employee's AwardKey for award conditions.
Allowed values: Must be one of the valid AwardKey id in the target payroll database. AwardKey id may be found using api/Lookups?type=Award |
string |
None. |
Salaried | boolean |
None. |
TaxKey |
The employee's TaxKey for the employee's nominated tax scale.
Allowed values: Must be one of the valid TaxKey id in the target payroll database. TaxKey id may be found using api/Lookups?type=Tax |
string |
None. |
SecondaryTaxKey |
The employee's SecondaryTaxKey for the employee's secondary tax scale.
Allowed values: Must be one of the valid TaxKey id in the target payroll database. TaxKey id may be found using api/Lookups?type=Tax |
string |
None. |
TertiaryTaxKey |
The employee's TertiaryTaxKey for the employee's 3rd tax scale.
Allowed values: Must be one of the valid TaxKey id in the target payroll database. TaxKey id may be found using api/Lookups?type=Tax |
string |
None. |
ForthTaxKey |
The employee's ForthTaxKey for the employee's 4th tax scale.
Allowed values: Must be one of the valid TaxKey id in the target payroll database. TaxKey id may be found using api/Lookups?type=Tax |
string |
None. |
FifthTaxKey |
The employee's FifthTaxKey for the employee's 4th tax scale.
Allowed values: Must be one of the valid TaxKey id in the target payroll database. TaxKey id may be found using api/Lookups?type=Tax |
string |
None. |
TaxAdjustment |
Amount to manually adjust the tax by each pay |
decimal number |
None. |
TaxFileNo |
Employee's tax file number |
string |
None. |
CanProvideTFNTo  SuperFund |
Whether the employee can TFN can be sent to super funds |
boolean |
None. |
NonAustralian  Resident |
Whether the employee is a non Australian resident |
boolean |
None. |
TimeCardNo |
Timecard number for external systems to identify this employee eg. If your software has a unique identifier it uses for this employee, timesheets can be exported with this identifier if it is stored in TimeCardNo |
string |
None. |
GLCode |
GL Code for this employee |
string |
None. |
SecurityPassNo |
Security pass number for this employee |
string |
None. |
UserPassword |
User password for this employee |
string |
None. |
Photo |
Photo of this employee |
Collection of Byte[] |
None. |
Notes |
Notes for this employee |
string |
None. |
NormalDayHours |
Normal day working hours for this employee. Set NormalDayHoursUseAward to false if you wish to override the normal day hours from the award |
decimal number |
None. |
NormalDayHours  UseAward |
Normal day working hours override flag for this employee. Set NormalDayHoursUseAward to false if you wish to override the normal day hours from the award, true if they will use award normal day hours |
boolean |
None. |
StandardPay  Hours |
Employees standard pay hours for their pay period, if they are using Standard Pays |
decimal number |
None. |
IsStandardPays |
Whether this employee uses standard pays |
boolean |
None. |
DefaultEmail |
Default email address for this employee |
string |
None. |
DefaultEmailUsed  ForPayslips |
Whether the default email will be used to email payslips |
boolean |
None. |
Telephone1 |
Default telephone for this employee |
string |
None. |
Telephone1  Description |
Default telephone description for this employee |
string |
None. |
Telephone2 |
Second telephone number for this employee |
string |
None. |
Telephone2  Description |
Second telephone description for this employee |
string |
None. |
DefaultPay  RateKey |
The employee's DefaultPayRateKey for payroll purpose
Allowed values: Must be one of the valid PayRateKey id in the target payroll database. PayRateKey id may be found using api/Lookups?type=PayRate |
string |
None. |
Default  Department |
The employee's DefaultDepartment.
Allowed values: Must be one of the valid default department in the target payroll database. DefaultDepartment may be found using api/Lookups?type=Department |
string |
None. |
Immediate  Immediately |
boolean |
None. |
PostedDate | date |
None. |
PostedDateTime | date |
None. |
UserId | integer |
None. |
UserName | string |
None. |
UserType | string |
None. |
PayrollDatabase | globally unique identifier |
None. |
DatabaseType | string |
None. |
SuppressedDate | date |
None. |
SuppressedDate  Time |
date |
None. |
ActionedDate | date |
None. |
ActionedDate  Time |
date |
None. |
PayrollLink  Token |
globally unique identifier |
None. |
WeChangeEmployee  BankView |
Collection of WeChangeEmployee  BankView |
None. |
WeChangeEmployee  AllowanceView |
Collection of WeChangeEmployee  AllowanceView |
None. |
WeChangeEmployee  SuperView |
Collection of WeChangeEmployee  SuperView |
None. |
Response Formats
application/json, text/json
{ "changeEmployeeId": 1, "changeType": "sample string 1", "changeStatus": "sample string 2", "receivedDate": "2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00", "receivedDateTime": "2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00", "pickedUpDateTime": "2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00", "pickedUpDate": "2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00", "rejectedDateTime": "2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00", "rejectedDate": "2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00", "implementedDateTime": "2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00", "implementedDate": "2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00", "effectiveDate": "2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00", "validationResult": 1, "errorMessage": "sample string 3", "gender": "sample string 4", "maritalStatus": "sample string 5", "employmentCategory": "sample string 6", "employeeNo": "sample string 7", "lastName": "sample string 8", "firstName": "sample string 9", "secondName": "sample string 10", "title": "sample string 11", "jobTitle": "sample string 12", "homeAddress": "sample string 13", "homeCity": "sample string 14", "homeState": "sample string 15", "homePostcode": "sample string 16", "homeCountry": "sample string 17", "postalAddress": "sample string 18", "postalCity": "sample string 19", "postalState": "sample string 20", "postalPostcode": "sample string 21", "postalCountry": "sample string 22", "birthday": "2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00", "location": "sample string 23", "payPeriod": "sample string 24", "employmentDate": "2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00", "awardDate": "2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00", "terminateDate": "2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00", "terminateReason": "sample string 25", "awardKey": "sample string 26", "salaried": true, "taxKey": "sample string 27", "secondaryTaxKey": "sample string 28", "tertiaryTaxKey": "sample string 29", "forthTaxKey": "sample string 30", "fifthTaxKey": "sample string 31", "taxAdjustment": 1.1, "taxFileNo": "sample string 32", "canProvideTFNToSuperFund": true, "nonAustralianResident": true, "timeCardNo": "sample string 33", "glCode": "sample string 34", "securityPassNo": "sample string 35", "userPassword": "sample string 36", "photo": "QEA=", "notes": "sample string 37", "normalDayHours": 1.1, "normalDayHoursUseAward": true, "standardPayHours": 1.1, "isStandardPays": true, "defaultEmail": "sample string 38", "defaultEmailUsedForPayslips": true, "telephone1": "sample string 39", "telephone1Description": "sample string 40", "telephone2": "sample string 41", "telephone2Description": "sample string 42", "defaultPayRateKey": "sample string 43", "defaultDepartment": "sample string 44", "immediateImmediately": true, "postedDate": "2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00", "postedDateTime": "2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00", "userId": 1, "userName": "sample string 46", "userType": "sample string 47", "payrollDatabase": "0e2a7903-215b-41f3-8d49-85f161853cab", "databaseType": "sample string 49", "suppressedDate": "2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00", "suppressedDateTime": "2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00", "actionedDate": "2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00", "actionedDateTime": "2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00", "payrollLinkToken": "dd2f4dd3-9f0f-4868-a5e3-173c7be3c374", "weChangeEmployeeBankView": [ { "changeEmployeeBankId": 1, "changeEmployeeId": 1, "changeType": "sample string 1", "changeStatus": "sample string 2", "sequence": 1, "payMethod": "sample string 3", "bank": "sample string 4", "bsb": "sample string 5", "accountNo": "sample string 6", "accountSuffix": "sample string 7", "accountName": "sample string 8", "amount": 1.1, "default": true } ], "weChangeEmployeeAllowanceView": [ { "changeEmployeeAllowanceId": 1, "changeEmployeeId": 1, "changeType": "sample string 1", "changeStatus": "sample string 2", "allowanceKey": "sample string 3", "active": true, "payAlways": true, "amount": 1.1, "overrideDefault": true } ], "weChangeEmployeeSuperView": [ { "changeEmployeeSuperId": 1, "changeEmployeeId": 1, "changeType": "sample string 1", "changeStatus": "sample string 2", "superFund": "sample string 3", "membershipNo": "sample string 4", "contribution": 1.1, "percentFlag": true, "contributionType": "sample string 5", "includeAsRESC": true, "joinDate": "2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00", "contributionTypeAdditional": "sample string 6" } ] }
application/xml, text/xml
<WeChangeEmployeeView xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi=""> <ChangeEmployeeId>1</ChangeEmployeeId> <ChangeType>sample string 1</ChangeType> <ChangeStatus>sample string 2</ChangeStatus> <ReceivedDate>2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00</ReceivedDate> <ReceivedDateTime>2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00</ReceivedDateTime> <PickedUpDateTime>2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00</PickedUpDateTime> <PickedUpDate>2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00</PickedUpDate> <RejectedDateTime>2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00</RejectedDateTime> <RejectedDate>2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00</RejectedDate> <ImplementedDateTime>2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00</ImplementedDateTime> <ImplementedDate>2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00</ImplementedDate> <EffectiveDate>2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00</EffectiveDate> <ValidationResult>1</ValidationResult> <ErrorMessage>sample string 3</ErrorMessage> <Gender>sample string 4</Gender> <MaritalStatus>sample string 5</MaritalStatus> <EmploymentCategory>sample string 6</EmploymentCategory> <EmployeeNo>sample string 7</EmployeeNo> <LastName>sample string 8</LastName> <FirstName>sample string 9</FirstName> <SecondName>sample string 10</SecondName> <Title>sample string 11</Title> <JobTitle>sample string 12</JobTitle> <HomeAddress>sample string 13</HomeAddress> <HomeCity>sample string 14</HomeCity> <HomeState>sample string 15</HomeState> <HomePostcode>sample string 16</HomePostcode> <HomeCountry>sample string 17</HomeCountry> <PostalAddress>sample string 18</PostalAddress> <PostalCity>sample string 19</PostalCity> <PostalState>sample string 20</PostalState> <PostalPostcode>sample string 21</PostalPostcode> <PostalCountry>sample string 22</PostalCountry> <Birthday>2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00</Birthday> <Location>sample string 23</Location> <PayPeriod>sample string 24</PayPeriod> <EmploymentDate>2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00</EmploymentDate> <AwardDate>2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00</AwardDate> <TerminateDate>2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00</TerminateDate> <TerminateReason>sample string 25</TerminateReason> <AwardKey>sample string 26</AwardKey> <Salaried>true</Salaried> <TaxKey>sample string 27</TaxKey> <SecondaryTaxKey>sample string 28</SecondaryTaxKey> <TertiaryTaxKey>sample string 29</TertiaryTaxKey> <ForthTaxKey>sample string 30</ForthTaxKey> <FifthTaxKey>sample string 31</FifthTaxKey> <TaxAdjustment>1.1</TaxAdjustment> <TaxFileNo>sample string 32</TaxFileNo> <CanProvideTFNToSuperFund>true</CanProvideTFNToSuperFund> <NonAustralianResident>true</NonAustralianResident> <TimeCardNo>sample string 33</TimeCardNo> <GLCode>sample string 34</GLCode> <SecurityPassNo>sample string 35</SecurityPassNo> <UserPassword>sample string 36</UserPassword> <Photo>QEA=</Photo> <Notes>sample string 37</Notes> <NormalDayHours>1.1</NormalDayHours> <NormalDayHoursUseAward>true</NormalDayHoursUseAward> <StandardPayHours>1.1</StandardPayHours> <IsStandardPays>true</IsStandardPays> <DefaultEmail>sample string 38</DefaultEmail> <DefaultEmailUsedForPayslips>true</DefaultEmailUsedForPayslips> <Telephone1>sample string 39</Telephone1> <Telephone1Description>sample string 40</Telephone1Description> <Telephone2>sample string 41</Telephone2> <Telephone2Description>sample string 42</Telephone2Description> <DefaultPayRateKey>sample string 43</DefaultPayRateKey> <DefaultDepartment>sample string 44</DefaultDepartment> <ImmediateImmediately>true</ImmediateImmediately> <PostedDate>2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00</PostedDate> <PostedDateTime>2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00</PostedDateTime> <UserId>1</UserId> <UserName>sample string 46</UserName> <UserType>sample string 47</UserType> <PayrollDatabase>0e2a7903-215b-41f3-8d49-85f161853cab</PayrollDatabase> <DatabaseType>sample string 49</DatabaseType> <SuppressedDate>2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00</SuppressedDate> <SuppressedDateTime>2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00</SuppressedDateTime> <ActionedDate>2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00</ActionedDate> <ActionedDateTime>2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00</ActionedDateTime> <PayrollLinkToken>dd2f4dd3-9f0f-4868-a5e3-173c7be3c374</PayrollLinkToken> <WeChangeEmployeeBankView> <WeChangeEmployeeBankView> <ChangeEmployeeBankId>1</ChangeEmployeeBankId> <ChangeEmployeeId>1</ChangeEmployeeId> <ChangeType>sample string 1</ChangeType> <ChangeStatus>sample string 2</ChangeStatus> <Sequence>1</Sequence> <PayMethod>sample string 3</PayMethod> <Bank>sample string 4</Bank> <BSB>sample string 5</BSB> <AccountNo>sample string 6</AccountNo> <AccountSuffix>sample string 7</AccountSuffix> <AccountName>sample string 8</AccountName> <Amount>1.1</Amount> <Default>true</Default> </WeChangeEmployeeBankView> </WeChangeEmployeeBankView> <WeChangeEmployeeAllowanceView> <WeChangeEmployeeAllowanceView> <ChangeEmployeeAllowanceId>1</ChangeEmployeeAllowanceId> <ChangeEmployeeId>1</ChangeEmployeeId> <ChangeType>sample string 1</ChangeType> <ChangeStatus>sample string 2</ChangeStatus> <AllowanceKey>sample string 3</AllowanceKey> <Active>true</Active> <PayAlways>true</PayAlways> <Amount>1.1</Amount> <OverrideDefault>true</OverrideDefault> </WeChangeEmployeeAllowanceView> </WeChangeEmployeeAllowanceView> <WeChangeEmployeeSuperView> <WeChangeEmployeeSuperView> <ChangeEmployeeSuperId>1</ChangeEmployeeSuperId> <ChangeEmployeeId>1</ChangeEmployeeId> <ChangeType>sample string 1</ChangeType> <ChangeStatus>sample string 2</ChangeStatus> <SuperFund>sample string 3</SuperFund> <MembershipNo>sample string 4</MembershipNo> <Contribution>1.1</Contribution> <PercentFlag>true</PercentFlag> <ContributionType>sample string 5</ContributionType> <IncludeAsRESC>true</IncludeAsRESC> <JoinDate>2025-02-28T16:03:35.5941929+11:00</JoinDate> <ContributionTypeAdditional>sample string 6</ContributionTypeAdditional> </WeChangeEmployeeSuperView> </WeChangeEmployeeSuperView> </WeChangeEmployeeView>