GET api/WeEmployeeDetails

Gets a list of Employees live from a WageEasy company database file where the employee's details have changed since the nominated "changed since" date.

Request Information

URI Parameters

(i.e.queryString parameters in the form ?param1={param1}&param2={param2})

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information

Only include employees changed since this date (mandatory). Date Formats supported include: yyyy/mm/dd, yyyy/mmm/dd, yyyy-mm-dd, yyyy-mmm-dd. Generally any unambiguous date format is acceptable (mandatory). A time can be appended to the date using the format: Thh:mm:ss were T is the symbol denoting time




Set to true to include employees terminated after the changedSince date, false to exclude all terminated employees




The page number to return using the pageSize parameter to define pages. Defaults to 1.


Default value is 1


The page size (number of records) to be used to find the record for the page requested. Defaults to 1000.


Default value is 1000

Body Parameters


Response Information

Resource Description

A list of Employee Details

NameDescriptionTypeAdditional information

Collection of WeEmployeeDetail





Response Formats

application/json, text/json

  "items": [
      "id": 1,
      "employeeNo": "sample string 2",
      "lastName": "sample string 3",
      "firstName": "sample string 4",
      "secondName": "sample string 5",
      "title": "sample string 6",
      "jobTitle": "sample string 7",
      "homeAddress": "sample string 8",
      "homeCity": "sample string 9",
      "homeState": "sample string 10",
      "homePostcode": "sample string 11",
      "homeCountry": "sample string 12",
      "postalAddress": "sample string 13",
      "postalCity": "sample string 14",
      "postalState": "sample string 15",
      "postalPostcode": "sample string 16",
      "postalCountry": "sample string 17",
      "birthday": "2025-02-28T05:46:46.1705311+11:00",
      "gender": "sample string 18",
      "maritalStatus": "sample string 19",
      "location": "sample string 20",
      "payPeriod": "sample string 21",
      "employmentCategory": "sample string 22",
      "employmentDate": "2025-02-28T05:46:46.1705311+11:00",
      "awardDate": "2025-02-28T05:46:46.1705311+11:00",
      "terminateDate": "2025-02-28T05:46:46.1705311+11:00",
      "terminateReason": "sample string 23",
      "awardKey": "sample string 24",
      "salaried": true,
      "taxKey": "sample string 25",
      "secondaryTaxKey": "sample string 26",
      "tertiaryTaxKey": "sample string 27",
      "forthTaxKey": "sample string 28",
      "fifthTaxKey": "sample string 29",
      "taxAdjustment": 1.1,
      "taxFileNo": "sample string 30",
      "canProvideTFNToSuperFund": true,
      "nonAustralianResident": true,
      "timeCardNo": "sample string 31",
      "glCode": "sample string 32",
      "securityPassNo": "sample string 33",
      "userPassword": "sample string 34",
      "notes": "sample string 35",
      "normalDayHours": "2025-02-28T05:46:46.1705311+11:00",
      "normalDayHoursUseAward": true,
      "standardPayHours": 1.1,
      "isStandardPays": true,
      "defaultEmail": "sample string 37",
      "defaultEmailUsedForPayslips": "sample string 38",
      "telephone1": "sample string 39",
      "telephone1Description": "sample string 40",
      "telephone2": "sample string 41",
      "telephone2Description": "sample string 42",
      "defaultPayRateKey": "sample string 43",
      "defaultDepartment": "sample string 44",
      "knownAs": "sample string 45",
      "includesTaxFreeThreshold": true,
      "includesHELPDebt": true,
      "includesSFSSDebt": true,
      "claimsFamilyTaxBenefit": true,
      "flatRateThreshold": 1,
      "tfnDeclarationDate": "2025-02-28T05:46:46.1705311+11:00",
      "defaultPayRateAmount": 1.1,
      "weEmployeeBank": [
          "id": 1,
          "employeeNo": "sample string 2",
          "sequence": 1,
          "payMethod": "sample string 3",
          "bank": "sample string 4",
          "bsb": "sample string 5",
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          "default": true
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          "accountName": "sample string 8",
          "amount": 1.1,
          "default": true
      "weEmployeeSuper": [
          "id": 1,
          "employeeNo": "sample string 2",
          "superFund": "sample string 3",
          "membershipNo": "sample string 4",
          "contribution": 1.1,
          "percentFlag": true,
          "contributionType": "sample string 6",
          "includeAsRESC": true,
          "joinDate": "2025-02-28T05:46:46.1705311+11:00",
          "outDate": "2025-02-28T05:46:46.1705311+11:00",
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          "joinDate": "2025-02-28T05:46:46.1705311+11:00",
          "outDate": "2025-02-28T05:46:46.1705311+11:00",
          "contributionTypeAdditional": "sample string 8"
      "weEmployeeAllowance": [
          "id": 1,
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          "active": 1,
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          "id": 1,
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      "weEmployeeLeave": [
          "id": 1,
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          "terminated": true,
          "terminationDate": "2025-02-28T05:46:46.1705311+11:00",
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          "postEntDate": "2025-02-28T05:46:46.1705311+11:00",
          "postEntHours": 1.1,
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          "postProDate": "2025-02-28T05:46:46.1705311+11:00",
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      "flatRateThreshold": 1,
      "tfnDeclarationDate": "2025-02-28T05:46:46.1705311+11:00",
      "defaultPayRateAmount": 1.1,
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      "weEmployeeLeave": [
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          "postEntHours": 1.1,
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          "takenDate": "2025-02-28T05:46:46.1705311+11:00",
          "takenHours": 1.1,
          "hoursPerDay": 1.1,
          "daysPerWeek": 1.1
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    "page": 1,
    "pageSize": 2,
    "totalCount": 3,
    "totalPages": 4,
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    "hasPreviousPage": true,
    "hasNextPage": true,
    "errorMessage": "sample string 8"